
under your stars forever...

the best reason for living alone and not having to answer to anyone: being able to go out at 10pm with NO QUESTIONS asked. =)

Last night I practiced wii bowling with Jen and Demetri. We're having a tournament @ work in the end of october so I need to work on my skills, since the winner gets amazing seats to a wild game! I learned that Wii bowling is way better with a vodka cranberry. What's better after a VC than a Gin and Tonic? My favorite drink EVER. Long story short: bedtime @ 4am, up all night talking and making new friends (not with J & D!) and still feeling those last few g&t's in at 6am! ;) Only cause it's Friday am I making it through the day!

Rascal Flatts/Taylor Swift concert tonight!! JASON MRAZ ON NOVEMBER 20TH! =)

life is good.


Dont let your life wrap up around you
Dont forget to call, whenever
Ill be here just waiting for you
Ill be under your stars forever
Neither here nor there just right beside you

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