
People do that?

Disclaimer: This story was told to me by a good friend of mine. We were sharing our online dating horror stories, and this was her most recent, uh, bad one. This is how I recall the story. It was WAY better when she shared it. I may not have every detail down but the main point of the story is there.  Also: there is an actual shirtless male photo in this blog. If this makes you uncomfortable, click here. 

The Story.

My friend has been on a certain online dating site that shall remain nameless match.com for a few months. She had exchanged a few messages with this guy, and then they moved to exchanging phone numbers. They had tried to arrange a time to talk on the phone, but their schedules just weren't matching up. The man had texted her and asked if she was interested in him sending her a photo. She explained that she told him that she had seen his photos on his profile, so she was okay and didn't need any pictures from him. She also shared that her phone was dying but she would try to call him later that night. 

He proceeded to send her a picture of himself. This was a "normal" self-photo, the kind where you hold the camera (or cell phone) with both hands in front of you and snap the picture. Her phone subsequently died and she did not respond to the message, but when she powered her phone back up a few hours later she was surprised to see another picture message from said man.  

The second photo has a lot going on. I have blocked off the face but please, note a couple of things in the photo... 

1. The hand gesture
2. The jeans, two buttons undone

Enter, break for laughter. 

Now, upon receipt of this photo, my friend shared with me that she wasn't quite sure what to do but she most definitely knew she had no desire to a) talk on the phone with this guy or b) go on a date with this guy. He also had sent another text saying that he hoped he didn't offend her. Shortly after this, he CALLED her, to which she ignored, and he left a voice mail. The next morning he texted her again saying that he hoped he hadn't offended her, she was a beautiful woman and, I quote, she "needed a man like him". She did delete his number and hasn't heard from him since the incident but my question is, really? People do this? 

I didn't know that sending unsolicited self-taken shirtless mirror pics was a thing. All I know is that I seriously question any man that lacks the better judgement skills of not only TAKING the mirror shot, but also sending it to a complete stranger. Little did he know, the woman who "needs a man like him" happens to have friends who think it is a hilarious story and has no problem sharing it with the interwebs. Hey, there is a reason he's single, and I'm sure this is just one of them. 

Best of luck to this man and any lucky lady from match.com that gets to date him. 


Why I Won't Hook Up With You

So if you want me, I don't come cheap.
Keep my hand in your hand
& your heart on your sleeve.

It has taken me a while to get to a place where I am today. Where I can confidently say, no, I won't hook up with you. Because, to be honest, in the past I haven't been strong enough. I equated sex with love. I thought if I gave it up, I'd get a relationship. It took tears, heartbreak and years to find out otherwise. So I have this to say.

Dear every man that has tried to hook up with me:

I won't do it.
I won't hook up with you.
I'm better than that.
I don't WANT that.
I don't want to feel used and abused.
I want to be loved.
Not taken advantage of.
I don't know where you get off thinking that I don't want anything more than a hot night of sex.
Am I not worthy?
I hope that the man who I end up in a relationship with will respect me for the simple reason that I do not hook up.


without you.

this life
this love
that you and I've been building up so high
It’s never gonna touch the sky
without you


oh, hey.

summer. is. finally. here. I think? Supposed to be 90 degrees or something today. This is amazing, actually.

things that are happening soon:

::bachelorette party this weekend. my very first one. ya know, the big hoo-rah party, with penis straws and such. we're going to grand casino hinckley. staying overnight. 25 women. whoa. oh and i'm planning it. and none of the restaurants in the casino take reservations.

::wedding showers. parties.

::gym. yoga. walks.


::tracy's wedding on June 3rd.

::babysitting tracy's baby 14 month old for 3 days (insert tiny panic attack. whatifhedoesntlikeme).

::amanda's wedding & solo road trip to Madison.

::finishing up classes. oh yeah & about that. I suck at college. I cannot focus on literature.

backstreet boys + new kids on the block concert {NKOTBSB}
britney spears + nicki minaj
my 24th birthday
the beach

::dating? haha. right. no. non-existent.

::& i'm kind of having a quarterlifecrisis. the kind where you wonder what you're doing with your life. are you doing the right stuff? am i wasting time?