

What's up? Not much here. Just hanging out. Same old. Math class makes me near suicide. Just throwing that out there.

I will spend my entire weekend doing homework.

OK that's half true. Tomorrow morning I'm going for a long walk and hopefully jog a bit with Jacquie. We're going from our apartment down Summit, Ramsey, Smith and the high bridge and back! It's 5 miles there and back.

Seeing as how I'm doing the Turkey Day 5k in 3 weeks, I need to be able to jog a bit.

I haven't had a cigarette in a while, aren't you proud of me? I mean like 3 weeks. That's kind of a big deal. And when I see someone smoking I actually think it's gross. Nice, eh?

My brother also makes me crazy. I bought some amazing organic delcious heavenly BaNilla yogurt and cherry almond granola and I only got 2 servings.

He ate the rest. He also drank 6 cans of Dr. Pepper within 5 or 6 hours. Spilt Kool-Aid sugar all over my stove. Doesn't replace the toilet paper roll. Lays around my living and does nothing. It makes me sick to my stomach. Gross, right? Yeah. I think so. I'm so over him. He needs to leave.

And after he leaves I'm having two parties.
1. Cleaning party
2. PARTY. Girls party! Wine! Snacks! FUN!

I can't wait.

I will keep you posted on the progress of the great kick the brother out. It has taken me about 2 weeks to muster up the strength to talk to him because whenever I talk to him I break out in uncontrollable crying fits. BUT a nice combination of talk therapy and Zoloft has taken the edge off.

Anyway, I am going to leave work here. Tonight = relaxing with Jacquie and Ella.



PS: don't get me wrong, I love my brother, I really really do. But he's not upholding his end of the bargain of him living with me. I've given him ample amount  of time to get his life together.

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