1. Get a meaningful tattoo
2. Try out for the MN RollerGirls
3. Become a certified yoga instructor
4. Serve on the board of Ad Fed MN
5. Find an organization to be really passionate about and get involved
6. Watch a Twins game at Fenway Park
7. Travel overseas
8. Be a mentor to someone
9. Run a 10k
10. Run a half marathon
11. Buy a house or condo
12. Take a kickboxing class
13. Really research grad school
14. Take a dance class
15. Buy a really nice camera and take a class about it
16. Teach some kind of class (other than yoga)
17. Take a vacation with Grandma
18. Graduate from St. Kate's
19. Have dinner with my dad
20. Make somebody ridiculously proud
21. Buy a really good pair of jeans (and feel comfortable in them)
22. Go to a Thomas Keller restaurant
23. NYC, New Year's Eve
24. Live in a loft in downtown St. Paul
created November 19, 2011. age 24. i have 5 years, 9 months and 13 days to complete.