First: I love those two. I was browsing old photos and stumbled across this. My heart was happy.
Second: Haven't actually written anything in a while. So here goes some stuff on my mind...
I've spent the past couple weeks really reflecting on myself; my past, my present and what I want in my future. I truly believe that every encounter with every person changes me. I've learned *so* much in the past few years as I've grown up. I am thankful for all of those changes that had to happen to make me who I am today. Most recently, Luke broke up with me. Luke and I started dating in January and I was immediately head. over. heels. He did everything perfect, he said all the right things, did all the right things.... and then decided it's not what he wanted. I trust him and I know that he meant that. I thank him for being honest with me. I realized then, more than ever, what I want. I want forever. I wasn't being honest with myself, I thought I was 'too young' or 'not there' but I realized that doesn't matter. If I were to be lucky enough to find someone that I felt, after getting to know him, etc, that he was my 'one', well I'd go for it. I know the things that are important me. value. trust. communication. honesty. respect. & someday I'll find someone that shares those with me. & we'll live happily ever after.
1 comment:
Miss Leah Michele,
That pic makes my heart happy too! How lucky we are to have such wonderful and lifelong friends in each other & Meg! I cannot wait for more fun times tomorrow. Love you lots & lots!
P.S. I VOW to MAJOR secret blogger update asap!!!
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