Someday, when I'm a grown up and can justify spending over $1,000 for a pair of [amazing and beautiful] pumps, $1,000 for a handbag, etc, these are things that are the *first* on my list:

Christian Louboutin Pumps

Marc by Marc Jacobs (I'll have to be REAL fancy to afford a Marc Jacobs bag!!)
Ahh...dreams!! ;)
i want really expensive shoes, too!!
The louboutin's are my favvvvvv and someday I want to be able to literally drop $800 on pumps...but for now, just a dream :) The other day I was at Nordstrom's at MOA and I TOUCHED a pair of Manolo Blanick's. I wanted to pass out. They were $1,200. True story!!
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