Merry Christmas! I can't believe it's almost Christmas. It's Christmas Eve today and I am at work until Noon. Not bad, I'll take it. Yesterday was Christmas with David's parents and sister-that was fun-We ate and opened presents and watched the Vikings lose to the Redskins. Today after work I'm going to take a little nap and then we're heading to Glencoe to go to his Grandma's house-which is my favorite part! I love going there-we play really fun games and eat lots of things! Mmm!! Yay! Tomorrow we're going to my Grandma's, that should be fun, too. That's really I have! Nothing too exciting. I finished the semester well-I got an A on my final photo project, an A on my sociology final and a B on my written final in photo! That's really all...
I ought to say no, no, no, sir.
Mind if I move in closer?
At least I'm gonna say that I tried!
What’s the sense of hurtin’ my pride?
I really can't stay,
Baby don’t hold out
but its cold outside!
Verb. Chron-i-cled. Past tense of chronicle. Definition: to record in a factual and detailed way.
Ready for the weekend
I am so ready for the weekend. It seems like it's never here. And I hate this winter crap. I seriously am going to be a snow bird and someday go live in Florida or Arizona during this crap. It's so cold, walking home from the bus, waiting for the bus, at my desk...always freezing! I'm going to hibernate this weekend...not going anywhere or doing anything. Well, except study for my photo final, and my take my sociology quiz, and get a study guide for that ready. Hmm...that's all. Back to work.
If you were falling, then I would catch you.
You need a light, I'd find a match.
Cuz I love the way you say good morning.
And you take me the way I am.
If you are chilly, here take my sweater.
Your head is aching, I'll make it better.
Cuz I love the way you call me baby.
And you take me the way I am.
If you were falling, then I would catch you.
You need a light, I'd find a match.
Cuz I love the way you say good morning.
And you take me the way I am.
If you are chilly, here take my sweater.
Your head is aching, I'll make it better.
Cuz I love the way you call me baby.
And you take me the way I am.
It seems as though things are going pretty well for me these days...well the past few days. Well, actually, on side they're going well, on the other, not so much. Let me explain...
David and I are doing really great. He really actually appreciates me being around. I went over Monday after class and he made me dinner, which was so sweet. And the same thing last night! A gourmet dinner last night! Steak and potatoes with carmelized onions-and a really good au jus sauce. I am happy that we're happy. I can't believe it's coming up on 14 months of being together. That's huge for me.
The most exciting thing to happen to me this week would have to be my 6 month performace appraisil at work....I recieved a "successful" rating, which is awesome, and it came with some nice benefits :). At 6 months, associates are expected to considered "developing" but I surpassed that by having an awesome work ethic, doing more than my assigned work and constantly staying busy, among other things. That was very exciting! I am working my way up.
Well...should get back to work :)
David and I are doing really great. He really actually appreciates me being around. I went over Monday after class and he made me dinner, which was so sweet. And the same thing last night! A gourmet dinner last night! Steak and potatoes with carmelized onions-and a really good au jus sauce. I am happy that we're happy. I can't believe it's coming up on 14 months of being together. That's huge for me.
The most exciting thing to happen to me this week would have to be my 6 month performace appraisil at work....I recieved a "successful" rating, which is awesome, and it came with some nice benefits :). At 6 months, associates are expected to considered "developing" but I surpassed that by having an awesome work ethic, doing more than my assigned work and constantly staying busy, among other things. That was very exciting! I am working my way up.
Well...should get back to work :)
A revelation! I was talking with my boss today about college...and what I am going to do after I am done at St Paul College (coming up really quick-two semesters left!)..Well, I was originally going to go to Metro State and major in Professional Communcations with a concentration in Organizational Communcation, and minor in Advertising...Well, looking at it, Metro is really cheap...and it's a good school, and it's close, but I'll be in school until like 2012 or seems like a long time, and maybe I just want instant gratification..but seriously? 6 more years of school? I don't know...granted I will have very few student loans and will probably have an awesome resume and get a KILLER job...I don't know...So my boss brought up Concordia in St Paul..and I was like, mehh...private But then I checked out the website....they don't have communcations as a program for the "adult learning programs"...but they do have "Innovation and Marketing Management" as well as "Organizational Leadership and Management" that would interest me and be beneficial in my career path....The program is 18 months, and the classes are about 5-6 weeks long, going all year..ah!! But, my boss, is married and has 5 kids, and she did it. I wonder if it'd work for me? Hmm...I won't be applying until mid to late summer...The application process is different than normal-you submit a resume, and two letters of "professional" recommendation. I like that. $400/credit though...Ah...well, Securian does refund up to $5K of expenses assuming I do well..Life is exciting. I really wanted to do Communcations, I love communcations, and talking, and writing. It's like, the perfect major....I kind of like the leadership one, maybe I could pick up a minor in Comm?? OH OH!! They also have both the programs I like online...I LOVE online classes...I HATE sitting in class...I guess $400/credit isn't bad compared to St. Kate's *$750-800/credit*...but compared to Metro, which is about $180-$200/credit...Would a degree from Concordia be more transferrable than Metro? If I move to Boston, or Sacramento, or Phoenix, or South Carolina, would I get a good job? Metro State is more of a well known local Concordia well known all over? That's the tough thing. I know I want to move away, I know I do. I want to graduate, stay at Securian for a year (so I don't have to pay back the tuition reimbursement) and then find a job out of state and move away for a while.
Well I haven't written in a while, but that's okay. Nothing really new. Hey something REALLY exciting...I got an A on my photo test last that happened, I have NO idea...I honestly read about two sentences from the chapter..Whoa. That's awesome. I'm still getting a low C in that class....I need to pick it up really quick to get it up to a B...Bleh. That's about it.
Happy Turkey Day!
Happy Turkey Day!
Christmas is overrated.
I like decorating and spending time with my family. I think it's dumb that people spend *so* much money and useless stuff. I don't know, Christmas in my family has always been either really laid back, or really depressing. It's never a big deal. We go to Grandma's, we eat, and we talk. I am still lucky I guess that no one expects me to buy gifts. I mean, I understand the meaning of the gifts but I think some people go overboard, don't you? That's just society. Maybe I'm just bitter....I never really liked the idea of Christmas. I like the "Idea" of it, I mean the reason for it, but I think it's lost it's point. God doesn't want people spending $500 on a 10 year old, wouldn't he rather have that money be spent to do something good? Or something for the good of the whole family?? Oh well. I like Thanksgiving better and I think Christmas should be like that, too...I mean I appreciate a nice little gift for Christmas, don't get me wrong.
Oh well. I'm just bitter about holidays. I was reading my old diary a couple weeks ago that my grandma gave me Xmas of 7th grade, and it was like "I hate christmas. I hate being around my family, they are crazy and we never have fun. I wish I just lived with grandma, I hate my brothers and my mom". *laughing* Kind of funny, I suppose.
Life sure isn't what you think it is. *sigh*.
Still looking forward to Yoga in the AM.
It doesn't show signs of stopping
And I've brought some corn for popping
The lights are turned way down low
Let is snow, let it snow, let it snow
Oh well. I'm just bitter about holidays. I was reading my old diary a couple weeks ago that my grandma gave me Xmas of 7th grade, and it was like "I hate christmas. I hate being around my family, they are crazy and we never have fun. I wish I just lived with grandma, I hate my brothers and my mom". *laughing* Kind of funny, I suppose.
Life sure isn't what you think it is. *sigh*.
Still looking forward to Yoga in the AM.
It doesn't show signs of stopping
And I've brought some corn for popping
The lights are turned way down low
Let is snow, let it snow, let it snow
I can't take it any longer
But my will is getting stronger
And I think I know just what I have to do
I can't waste another minute
After all that I've put in it
I've given you my best
I'm up off my knees
I'm so tired of being lonely
You can't give me what I need
There is one thing you should know
I don't have to live this way
Looking forward to the weekend-Yoga on Saturday AM, friends over Saturday night, relaxing, cleaning, oh and getting our big couch on Friday night =)
But my will is getting stronger
And I think I know just what I have to do
I can't waste another minute
After all that I've put in it
I've given you my best
I'm up off my knees
I'm so tired of being lonely
You can't give me what I need
There is one thing you should know
I don't have to live this way
Looking forward to the weekend-Yoga on Saturday AM, friends over Saturday night, relaxing, cleaning, oh and getting our big couch on Friday night =)
If you just realize...
Take time to realize that your warmth is crashing down on in.
Take time to realize that I am on your side.
Didn't I, didn't I tell you?
But I can't spell it out for you, no it's never gonna be that simple.
No I can't spell it out for you.
If you just realize what I just realized, then we'd be perfect for eachother, and we'll never find another.
Just realize what I just realized, we'd never have to wonder if we missed out on each other now.
Am I wrong and totally selfish? Because I hate feeling like doing something that I want soo bad is ruining my life and relationship. Apparently I'm selfish for wanting to live on my own when I'm 20...and I should be able to make a relationship work for myself. That's not possible. I am so sick of being emotionally screwed that I could scream and cry. I don't want to feel like I'm doing something wrong, because I'm not. I've already sacrificed part of my life and have given up any kind of social life or freedom to work full time, and it sucks.
I'd rather sleep until 9am and go to class at 10am and working a part time job. But that's not how it works, I can't do that. I mean, I could, but I really don't want to deal with what goes along with it..being broke and living at home. Being told I'm selfish for moving out of my boyfriend's is wrong. For some reason, he's the ONLY one who thinks it's selfish. I get so many people saying "That's awesome, I'm proud of you, good job". But the one person who's supposed to be there says the opposite. Maybe he's the selfish one....I mean, does he think about why I want to move out? Because I can't stand coming to someone laying on the couch, because he makes me sick watching TV all the time, because I can't leave for work crying in the morning because he was crabby and couldn't find his fucking toothbrush or glasses. That is why.
On top of the fact that it's just wrong. I want a 'normal' relationship, and I thought moving out could make it a little better, maybe get it back to how it was the few days I knew him before moving in. But now it's the opposite. I'm now alone. Fine by me. I mean I'm sad, and it sucks, but you know what, I'll be fine. I'm strong. And that's another thing. Sara and I were emailing today and she brought up a good fact. Men can't handle strong women.
They are intimidated by women who are smart and independent and don't need them for every fucking thing. They can't stand feeling inferior. I'm never going to get married. Or have kids (well, that's fine. I don't want any). I'm going to be 35 with a lot of cats and no man. I don't need a man, but...I'd like one. I'd like one who can handle me...and I just don't think it's going to happen. Not holding my breath. Oh well. I'm going to enjoy my youth and not be bitter.
On a brighter note, still doing well in classes-I'm taking 3 next semester, all online. And my brother Justin is going to be moved from Rochester to Minnetonka soon, which is awesome. It will be way easier to be in contact with him a lot more when he's so close.
Take time to realize that I am on your side.
Didn't I, didn't I tell you?
But I can't spell it out for you, no it's never gonna be that simple.
No I can't spell it out for you.
If you just realize what I just realized, then we'd be perfect for eachother, and we'll never find another.
Just realize what I just realized, we'd never have to wonder if we missed out on each other now.
Am I wrong and totally selfish? Because I hate feeling like doing something that I want soo bad is ruining my life and relationship. Apparently I'm selfish for wanting to live on my own when I'm 20...and I should be able to make a relationship work for myself. That's not possible. I am so sick of being emotionally screwed that I could scream and cry. I don't want to feel like I'm doing something wrong, because I'm not. I've already sacrificed part of my life and have given up any kind of social life or freedom to work full time, and it sucks.
I'd rather sleep until 9am and go to class at 10am and working a part time job. But that's not how it works, I can't do that. I mean, I could, but I really don't want to deal with what goes along with it..being broke and living at home. Being told I'm selfish for moving out of my boyfriend's is wrong. For some reason, he's the ONLY one who thinks it's selfish. I get so many people saying "That's awesome, I'm proud of you, good job". But the one person who's supposed to be there says the opposite. Maybe he's the selfish one....I mean, does he think about why I want to move out? Because I can't stand coming to someone laying on the couch, because he makes me sick watching TV all the time, because I can't leave for work crying in the morning because he was crabby and couldn't find his fucking toothbrush or glasses. That is why.
On top of the fact that it's just wrong. I want a 'normal' relationship, and I thought moving out could make it a little better, maybe get it back to how it was the few days I knew him before moving in. But now it's the opposite. I'm now alone. Fine by me. I mean I'm sad, and it sucks, but you know what, I'll be fine. I'm strong. And that's another thing. Sara and I were emailing today and she brought up a good fact. Men can't handle strong women.
They are intimidated by women who are smart and independent and don't need them for every fucking thing. They can't stand feeling inferior. I'm never going to get married. Or have kids (well, that's fine. I don't want any). I'm going to be 35 with a lot of cats and no man. I don't need a man, but...I'd like one. I'd like one who can handle me...and I just don't think it's going to happen. Not holding my breath. Oh well. I'm going to enjoy my youth and not be bitter.
On a brighter note, still doing well in classes-I'm taking 3 next semester, all online. And my brother Justin is going to be moved from Rochester to Minnetonka soon, which is awesome. It will be way easier to be in contact with him a lot more when he's so close.
All Settled In
Well, I'm all moved into my new apartment! It's great, I love it. Also, I am getting B's in both of my classes. Awesome. I'm proud of myself. Hopefully those get up to A's by then end of the semester-I've got a few more weeks to go! I'm going to get started on my photography project soon and I'm really excited, it should be cool! The only downside is that I have to work on in the morning before work because it might by hard to do at night...Morning, and at lunchtime....when I leave work it's 5:30pm and dark out! I am going to be photographing Rice Park in downtown St Paul, the lights on the trees, the people ice skating..I love it. I haven't written in a while, been too busy moving and stuff. The place will look really good when we're all settled in and I have a bed. Oh well, back to work.
But I just can’t let you go
And I hate that I love you so..
But I just can’t let you go
And I hate that I love you so..
i'm not okay.
Have you ever cried so hard that you can't breathe? Where it's to the point that you can't see, can't even taste your cigarette?
That's me.
Needless to say, I am counting the HOURS until I move into my new apartment.
I don't have much to write today.
My head hurts so bad I feel like it's going to explode.
Off to work, the day couldn't be going slower...
What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems
I've told you time and time again
You sing the words but don't know what it means
To be a joke and look
Another line without a hook
I held you close as we both shook for the last time
Take a good hard look
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
That's me.
Needless to say, I am counting the HOURS until I move into my new apartment.
I don't have much to write today.
My head hurts so bad I feel like it's going to explode.
Off to work, the day couldn't be going slower...
What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems
I've told you time and time again
You sing the words but don't know what it means
To be a joke and look
Another line without a hook
I held you close as we both shook for the last time
Take a good hard look
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
Just another Monday..
I hate Mondays.
I try so hard on the weekend to get up at my normal time so my Monday's won't be so bad. Nope, doesn't happen. I just sleep until ike 10am, and it throws my whole day off. I hate it.
I got a B on my Sociology test! I am pretty proud, even though it's only a B...I have gotten C's on all before. Tonight is class from 6-9...then I am watching the Hills and sleeping. Blah. Tuesdays are better, they're closer to the weekend, but still not Thursday or Friday!
3 Days til move-in day! I am excited =) I have my invites to send out for my housewarming party. I'm not really inviting many people, I don't have a big family...Oh well. It will be a Sunday afternoon thing. I am going to have another one for my friends, but that won't be til December.
I should go...I am busy...I am doing this thing for work called "LOMA" I don't know what it stands for but it's basically teaching myself the "principles of insurance, life health and annuities"...Fun. BUT after I'm done with all I will have a special "certification" and it will look awesome on my resume. Off to study for that, and my photo. quiz tonight. Blah.
Looking forward to: moving, asian noodle bowl for lunch at the caf, class tonight.
Cause every time you hold me in your arms
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth
I try so hard on the weekend to get up at my normal time so my Monday's won't be so bad. Nope, doesn't happen. I just sleep until ike 10am, and it throws my whole day off. I hate it.
I got a B on my Sociology test! I am pretty proud, even though it's only a B...I have gotten C's on all before. Tonight is class from 6-9...then I am watching the Hills and sleeping. Blah. Tuesdays are better, they're closer to the weekend, but still not Thursday or Friday!
3 Days til move-in day! I am excited =) I have my invites to send out for my housewarming party. I'm not really inviting many people, I don't have a big family...Oh well. It will be a Sunday afternoon thing. I am going to have another one for my friends, but that won't be til December.
I should go...I am busy...I am doing this thing for work called "LOMA" I don't know what it stands for but it's basically teaching myself the "principles of insurance, life health and annuities"...Fun. BUT after I'm done with all I will have a special "certification" and it will look awesome on my resume. Off to study for that, and my photo. quiz tonight. Blah.
Looking forward to: moving, asian noodle bowl for lunch at the caf, class tonight.
Cause every time you hold me in your arms
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth
Simply put, by someone who *barely* knows me...
My new roommate, Sara, and I e-mail a lot throughout the day while at work. Today I was bitching about drama and stress and Sara had the perfect answer that describes my life at this point and my mood....
"My guess is you're the oldest and in addition to every day life, you're juggling a lot more than most 20 year olds. Sometimes you feel like no one understands the pressure you're under, no one really cares or is supportive? Sometimes you just want to scream, throw everything out the window, give the world the proverbial finger and say "I GIVE UP!" but you don't because it feels like no one is listening anyway? Yep, I know exactly how you feel, been there. Sucks but it doesn't have too. "
Whoa. On the dot my friend, on the fucking dot.
8 Days til move-in dayyyyyyy......
Things looking forward to: Watching Private Practice tonight
Finishing my homework
can i just have one more moondance with you, my love?
"My guess is you're the oldest and in addition to every day life, you're juggling a lot more than most 20 year olds. Sometimes you feel like no one understands the pressure you're under, no one really cares or is supportive? Sometimes you just want to scream, throw everything out the window, give the world the proverbial finger and say "I GIVE UP!" but you don't because it feels like no one is listening anyway? Yep, I know exactly how you feel, been there. Sucks but it doesn't have too. "
Whoa. On the dot my friend, on the fucking dot.
8 Days til move-in dayyyyyyy......
Things looking forward to: Watching Private Practice tonight
Finishing my homework
can i just have one more moondance with you, my love?
9 Days...
9 days until Sara and I move into our apartment. Yes, yes...I signed a one year lease! This is a big step for me and it's a little scary. I have been 'on my own' for quite some time but now I guess it's, official. It is going to feel so good to come home to something that is 'my own'. My own room. Designed and decorated by me. I can just see it now-the walls are a really tame pink, not pale but not hot pink. A really nice pink. I don't have a bed right now but I will be getting a bed with a black frame-a black wood frame in particular. I am going to have black side tables and a black dresser-and a desk in my room. I am going to have black shelves on the wall with pink and black candles and the bedspread is white with black and pink stripes. I will have a dark pinkish or purple shag rug on the floor, since the floors are wood I don't want to have cold feet all the time in the winter.
Needless to say, I am excited. I am not really financially ready and November will be horrible on my fianances. I wasn't planning on moving until December. Well, WE weren't planning on it...but we looked at this place, it was perfect. Really cheap, good location (not in a shady/sketchy place) good Sara's landlord owns it so it worked out really well for her. So, needless to say, I won't be decorating as I'd LIKE until later-not until December...good idea for X-mas gifts =gift cards, gift cards, gift cards!!
Meh, just another Tuesday...I decided to start something where in each blog I say something that I am looking forward to. I have little post it notes on my desk of things I am looking forward to, and I only I know what they mean, and it helps get through the day.
Looking forward to: *Haircut/color on Saturday!
*My PINK room
*The end of the semester with good grades!
Not looking forward to: *Missing my kitties =(
*The holidays...I hate family get togethers. --> In fact, I think this year I will enjoy the holidays alone in my apartment. With Sara's cats. I'll get some Chipotle and spend the dreaded days reading books and enriching my mind. Bah frickin' humbug.
*Photography final...or Soc. final for that. Any tests I will have to take. (You know, I've come to the conclusion that tests are STUPID. Sounds real scientific but here's my reasoning: So, I've been in the 'real world' since May, and I have a good job, at a good company. Do I have to take a 'test' to show what I know? NO. Do I get assigned projects with a deadline, which is really important to get done by that date. YES. In school, I get assigned a project, put it off ALL semester, work on it for a while a couple days before it's due and get an A. Case in point: Intro to Communcations Spring 2007-we were assigned a project in the beginning of the semester. I put it off, worked on it here and there and I worked on it all day the night it was due. I went to class, gave my presentation, got an A from the teacher and won 1st place in the Saint Paul College Liberal Arts Fair. At work, get assigned a project, finish it BEFORE it's due and get praised for it. It is SO much more important to be able to have the skills to get something done when it's due and do a GOOD JOB on it than it is to take a frickin' test....)
Help me remember
The way that we used to be
When nothin' else mattered
'Cause you were lovin' me
Just for the night, one last time
One more good memory
When I look back
That's what I wanna see
Needless to say, I am excited. I am not really financially ready and November will be horrible on my fianances. I wasn't planning on moving until December. Well, WE weren't planning on it...but we looked at this place, it was perfect. Really cheap, good location (not in a shady/sketchy place) good Sara's landlord owns it so it worked out really well for her. So, needless to say, I won't be decorating as I'd LIKE until later-not until December...good idea for X-mas gifts =gift cards, gift cards, gift cards!!
Meh, just another Tuesday...I decided to start something where in each blog I say something that I am looking forward to. I have little post it notes on my desk of things I am looking forward to, and I only I know what they mean, and it helps get through the day.
Looking forward to: *Haircut/color on Saturday!
*My PINK room
*The end of the semester with good grades!
Not looking forward to: *Missing my kitties =(
*The holidays...I hate family get togethers. --> In fact, I think this year I will enjoy the holidays alone in my apartment. With Sara's cats. I'll get some Chipotle and spend the dreaded days reading books and enriching my mind. Bah frickin' humbug.
*Photography final...or Soc. final for that. Any tests I will have to take. (You know, I've come to the conclusion that tests are STUPID. Sounds real scientific but here's my reasoning: So, I've been in the 'real world' since May, and I have a good job, at a good company. Do I have to take a 'test' to show what I know? NO. Do I get assigned projects with a deadline, which is really important to get done by that date. YES. In school, I get assigned a project, put it off ALL semester, work on it for a while a couple days before it's due and get an A. Case in point: Intro to Communcations Spring 2007-we were assigned a project in the beginning of the semester. I put it off, worked on it here and there and I worked on it all day the night it was due. I went to class, gave my presentation, got an A from the teacher and won 1st place in the Saint Paul College Liberal Arts Fair. At work, get assigned a project, finish it BEFORE it's due and get praised for it. It is SO much more important to be able to have the skills to get something done when it's due and do a GOOD JOB on it than it is to take a frickin' test....)
Help me remember
The way that we used to be
When nothin' else mattered
'Cause you were lovin' me
Just for the night, one last time
One more good memory
When I look back
That's what I wanna see
rain rain go away...
Will it ever stop raining? This sucks, I hate coming to work all wet from waiting for the bus and the wind blows the rain under my umbrella...ughhhh...So Gallager (the boy cat) started peeing blood yesterday. Of course I freak out and google it and he probably has a UTI, which isn't a big deal. It's painful for him, but then it talks about these "crystals" and how they can block the urinary tract...and that it can get backed up and then he can die. All within 24 hours. So naturally my first thought is to bring him to the vet...well...I don't really have $300 laying around to get the cat fixed....and of course David is totally against bringing cats to the vet when they're sick...So, we're going to start feeding him cranberry juice and yogurt and hope it gets better. *sigh* I wish it were December. The next 6 weeks are going to just drag on..Blah..
Now that it's raining more than ever know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
Now that it's raining more than ever know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
*red umbrella*

I'm sure I've got bruises on my heart
Here come the black clouds full of pain
Yeah, you can break away without the chains
Your love is like a red umbrella
Walk the streets like Cinderella
Everyone can see it on my face
So let it rain
It's pourin' all around
Let it fall
it ain't gonna drown me
After allI'm gonna be okay
let it rain
You can wear your sorrow like an old raincoat
You can save your tears in a bottle made of gold
But the glitter on the sidewalk always shines
Yeah, even God needs to cry sometimes
Your love is like a red umbrellaA
Always there to make me better
When my broken dreams
Are fallin' from the sky
Let it wash my tears away
Tomorrow's another day
Is the sun ever going to come out??
Another day of crappy weather. This really doesn't help my whole "moving out" thing...just makes life worse. I wish it was sunny out. Where's the fall weather I love so much?? Sara and I are looking at an apartment tonight. I REALLY hope we can work something out so that we can move in in December, because if this place is all it's cracked up to be, it will be's on Ashland and Western...We shall see. I was driving to work today and I heard this song on the radio. I've never heard it before, it made me cry. Well, everything makes me cry, not a big deal. It's be Elliot Yamin, called "I'll wait for you"....
I never felt nothing in the world like this before
Now I'm missing you and I'm wishing you would come back through my door
Why did you have to go
You could have let me know
So now I'm all alone
You could have stayed but you wouldn't give me a chance
With you not around it's a little bit more than I can stand
And all my tears they
Keep runnin' down my face
Why did you turn away
So why does your pride make you run and hide
Are you that afraid of me
But I know it's a lie what you keep inside
This is not how you want it to be
So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life
Baby I will wait for you
If you think I'm fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do
I'll wait for you
Been a long time since you called me
How could you forget about me
You gotta be feeling crazy
How can you walk away
Everything stays the same
I just can't do it baby
What will it take to make you come back
Girl I told you what it is and it just ain't like that
Why can't you look at me
You're still in love with me
Don't leave me crying
Baby why can't we just, just start all over again
Get it back to the way it was
If you give me a chance
I can love you right
But you're telling me it won't be enough
So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life
Baby I will wait for you
If you think I fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do
I'll wait for you
So why does your pride make you run and hide
Are you that afraid of me
But I know it's a lie
What you're keeping inside
That is not how you want it to be
Baby I will wait for you
Baby I will wait for you
If it's the last thing I do
Baby I will wait for you
Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life
Baby I will wait for you
If you think I fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do
I'll wait for you
I'll be waiting...
I never felt nothing in the world like this before
Now I'm missing you and I'm wishing you would come back through my door
Why did you have to go
You could have let me know
So now I'm all alone
You could have stayed but you wouldn't give me a chance
With you not around it's a little bit more than I can stand
And all my tears they
Keep runnin' down my face
Why did you turn away
So why does your pride make you run and hide
Are you that afraid of me
But I know it's a lie what you keep inside
This is not how you want it to be
So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life
Baby I will wait for you
If you think I'm fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do
I'll wait for you
Been a long time since you called me
How could you forget about me
You gotta be feeling crazy
How can you walk away
Everything stays the same
I just can't do it baby
What will it take to make you come back
Girl I told you what it is and it just ain't like that
Why can't you look at me
You're still in love with me
Don't leave me crying
Baby why can't we just, just start all over again
Get it back to the way it was
If you give me a chance
I can love you right
But you're telling me it won't be enough
So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life
Baby I will wait for you
If you think I fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do
I'll wait for you
So why does your pride make you run and hide
Are you that afraid of me
But I know it's a lie
What you're keeping inside
That is not how you want it to be
Baby I will wait for you
Baby I will wait for you
If it's the last thing I do
Baby I will wait for you
Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life
Baby I will wait for you
If you think I fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do
I'll wait for you
I'll be waiting...
Cinnamon Sugar Bagel and Strawberry Cream Cheese
My morning started off amazing--with a cinnamon sugar bagel and strawberry cream cheese....mmmm...I waited 20 minutes for it, they weren't done, so I waited until the next batch was done, which is amazing because then it's fresh and hot from the oven. Hmm, not really much to say, found a roommate-her name's Sara she goes to grad school and works full time right next to my building in downtown. We seem pretty similar-mature and outgoing with a good head on our shoulders. The weekend was nice, I didn't do much, which was even better. On Saturday I spent the morning with Bill and Jacquie and the kids and then went back to David's to clean up my stuff and clear out my closet and stuff, and in the evening went to B&J's. It was good to see the kids again. Sunday was a really nice day--David and I watched the Twin Cities Marathon, looking for Jen but she was running slower than I calculated her at. But still, 12 minutes for a mile...not bad, not bad. I would LOVE to run a marathon....I should probably be able to run on the treadmill for longer than 5 mins without Anyways, I should get back to work....I like being at work, keeps my mind off of everything else.
Cuz when you're Talkin out loud and nobody’s there
you look like hell and ya just don’t care
Drinkin more than ya ever drank
Sinkin down lower than ya ever sank when ya
Find ya self fallin down upon your knees
Prayin to God beggin him please
That’s when she’s more than a memory
Cuz when you're Talkin out loud and nobody’s there
you look like hell and ya just don’t care
Drinkin more than ya ever drank
Sinkin down lower than ya ever sank when ya
Find ya self fallin down upon your knees
Prayin to God beggin him please
That’s when she’s more than a memory
There's no combination of words I could put on the back of a postcard,
No song that I could sing But I can try for your heart,
Our dreams, and they are made out of real things,
Like a shoebox of photographs,
With sepia tone loving,
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions in my heart ,
Like why are we here?
And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy,
And sometimes life can be deceiving,
I'll tell you one thing,
its always better when we're together
MMM, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, we'll look at the stars when we're together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, it's always better when we're together
And all of these moments
Just might find their way into my dreams tonight
But I know that they'll be gone,
When the morning light sings
And brings new things,
But tomorrow night you see
That they'll be gone too,
Too many things I have to do,
But if all of these dreams might find their way
Into my day to day scene I'll be under the impression
I was somewhere in between
With only two, Just me and you
Not so many things we got to do,
Or places we got to be
We'll sit beneath the mango tree now
Yeah, it's always better when we're together
We're somewhere in-between together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, it's always better when we're together
I believe in memories
They look so, so pretty when I sleep
Hey now, and when, and when I wake up,
You look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is not enough time,
And there is no, no song I could sing
And there is no combination of words I could say
But I will still tell you one thing, We're better together
No song that I could sing But I can try for your heart,
Our dreams, and they are made out of real things,
Like a shoebox of photographs,
With sepia tone loving,
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions in my heart ,
Like why are we here?
And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy,
And sometimes life can be deceiving,
I'll tell you one thing,
its always better when we're together
MMM, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, we'll look at the stars when we're together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, it's always better when we're together
And all of these moments
Just might find their way into my dreams tonight
But I know that they'll be gone,
When the morning light sings
And brings new things,
But tomorrow night you see
That they'll be gone too,
Too many things I have to do,
But if all of these dreams might find their way
Into my day to day scene I'll be under the impression
I was somewhere in between
With only two, Just me and you
Not so many things we got to do,
Or places we got to be
We'll sit beneath the mango tree now
Yeah, it's always better when we're together
We're somewhere in-between together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, it's always better when we're together
I believe in memories
They look so, so pretty when I sleep
Hey now, and when, and when I wake up,
You look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is not enough time,
And there is no, no song I could sing
And there is no combination of words I could say
But I will still tell you one thing, We're better together
Maybe it won't be so bad....
I think things are going to work out for the best. I think I need to kind of live on my own, and have my own responsibilites, not have someone there to always catch me if I fall or mess up. At least it's Wednesday already. Almost Friday =). I have been looking around for rooms to rent and I've got a lead. I hope to check it out tonight or tomorrow--it would be a great place at a good price. On a side note, I got an A on my photography project! For some reason I am bombing the quizzes we have every week. Just goes to show that I am not good at tests. I can get an A on a project, but when it comes to the mid-term, or the final, I always get a C, or even a D....And I am studying, I just am not a good test taker...Blah!! Back to work.
PS: This weekend is Twin Cities Marathon, my friend Jen is running in it and I hope to go see her on Sunday! Sweet! Hopefully it's a nice weekend!!
PS: I miss my Gallager
Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
and others just read of
Others only read of the love
What is meant to be...
It's so funny how much things can change in such a short period of time. Last week I was so looking forward to the weekend, this week I just wish I could stay at work 24/7. It's like I don't even know what happened, everything just fell apart. I have started to look for places to move...I've found a couple rooms that people are renting out. I just feel so nervous yet excited but mostly, I'm scared shitless. I guess after being with someone for a year and then it just all of a sudden ends, I feel sort of lost. Like all of a sudden, my life is just totally different. Last year at this time David and I had met and began dating. Everything was so perfect. I don't want it to be over, I don't want to be alone. I'm not ready for the relationship to be done. It's like I don't even know how far it could have gone or what could have been made of the relationship we had. I just need to keep my head up, keep smiling, and what's meant to be will find it's way.
The path that I'm walking, I must go alone
I must take the baby steps till I'm full grown, full grown.
Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
And I forseek the dark ahead if I stay
The path that I'm walking, I must go alone
I must take the baby steps till I'm full grown, full grown.
Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
And I forseek the dark ahead if I stay
When it rains, it pours.
So, the last weekend of September was a pretty crappy one. For one, it rained all weekend, didn't see a drop of sun all weekend. Second, my car decided to screw up...the alignment is all messed up I can't even drive it. Third, my debit card got stolen, and used, twice. So I was at the ATM on maryland and arkwright and quick got some stamps, and ran out the door and I must have left my check card in the ATM. Whoever was behind me decided to snatch it and go buy gas, twice. Thanks, asshole. Anyways, I'll be filing a police report and I contacted Wells Fargo, so I won't be responsible for the charges... As for my weekend of peace, I guess not. Not to mention things in wonderful land haven't been so wonderful. As always, I screwed up. It seems as though I can never do anything right...Anyways, needless to say, I spent the weekend and my Grandma's house...I am not sure what I am going to do, stay there, get my own place, or go back to David's. I just hope everything works out, and doesn't stress me out too much. =(
How strong are you now
Without her around
You can't even keep one little bitty tear
From fallin down
Tell me how strong are you now
How strong are you now
Without her around
You can't even keep one little bitty tear
From fallin down
Tell me how strong are you now
Friday, ready for the weekend!
It's finally Friday! It is a lovely day today--I wish I wasn't stuck inside working all day. Then again, it is Pay Day!! So hopefully I will be able to get to target this evening =) David's going to the lake for the weekend, soo I'll be home all alone. At first I thought I'd be insanely bored, but then I was like..sweeeet!! Tonight I am going watch Grey's from last night (since we were at RCIA I didn't get to watch it) and then I will go to Target (the best place in the world) and do some grocery shopping. I have been looking forward to Saturday since the moment I woke up on Monday! Grandma and I are going to a movie and out shopping, and then in the evening some ladies from work are having a purse I may go there. I had planned on doing some crazy cleaning, but then David's coming home Sunday morning...that leaves no time for me to clean...darn....I think I'll pick myself up a Monster (energy drink) after work and that will keep me buzzing up til like 1am, I can get lots of cleaning done! And then I can sleep in tomorrow..oh man, I can't wait! I think that weekends should be 3 days, mandatory, always. Well, that's all for now.
"The rain is falling on my window pane
But we are hiding in a safer place
Under covers staying safe and warm
You give me feelings that I adore"
"The rain is falling on my window pane
But we are hiding in a safer place
Under covers staying safe and warm
You give me feelings that I adore"
I love fall!
Ahh, I love the fall weather. It's so beautiful! I can't wait until the leaves fall and they're crunchy on the ground. Sweater weather--my favorite!! I feel like time is just flying, I can't believe it's already the end of September! Mine and David's one year anniversary is coming up...we're celebrating the weekend of the 11th of October. That is exciting for year...geesh! Doesn't seem like that long, but a lot has happened in the past year, and I only look forward to more years and years. David is probably going out of town this weekend to the lake, and I am going to stay home. I have too much stuff to do around the apartment to be I want to hang out with granny, help her recover from her surgery she had. She's doing well, which is awesome, I am so happy that it went well. Well...almost lunch time..Chicken dumpling soup for lunch today...yumm..should help with my sore throat =(
"Well, it's a marvelous night for a Moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes"
"Well, it's a marvelous night for a Moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes"
First Blog Post
Well, it's my first 'blog' post. I don't know really know why I decided to do this..but hey, let's give it a shot! So school is back in full swing...I like my two classes, although photography is a lot harder than I thought it would be. It's so technical that taking photos isn't even fun. I did get a new digital cam for my birthday from David's parents and it's reallly nice! I am excited to take a bunch of pictures on it...I already have taken a lot of pics of the cats...I really like my online class, it makes actually going to class kind of lame. I can do my homework in my pj's and at any time of the night or at work on lunch....So I think I'll try to take more online classes next semester. Work is going well, I like my job and it's really nice to have the evenings and weekends off....If I had my way I would have earlier hours because by the time I get home it's already almost 6pm...and if it's Monday I don't get home until after 9pm. Hmm, well I probably should get back to work's kind of slow today, although I do have a pile of work to do. Plus we've got a client visit this afternoon-Wachovia Bank, so I need to look like I'm working =)
"Life can show no mercy
It can tear your soul apart
It can make you feel like you've gone crazy
But you're not"
-michael buble, 'lost'
"Life can show no mercy
It can tear your soul apart
It can make you feel like you've gone crazy
But you're not"
-michael buble, 'lost'
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